He saw his spiritual role and a dream was born

Daniel Atwenda's Story

Daniel Atwenda whose initiative and drive is passionate about vulnerable children. At 20 years God was speaking to him in a new perspective to have a heart that shares concern for the children under rejection.

This arose after witnessing an incidence marked with injustice to hungry children in their innocence on the street, asking for something to eat from three ladies who were passing by from the same church, and the children were pushed off with a beating. This really pushed him to the wall; “though we may not feel helping the children on the streets we do not beat them up. How will they learn to leave if there are no acts of mercy for the hungry children?” It was an act of injustice and since then God was speaking to him into blessing such as these. He saw his spiritual role and a dream was born.

He was persuaded to hold the dream till completing his education and ventured into his calling, from the dwelling of knowing what it means to trust God. He started seeing his spiritual role in the lives of the innocent souls he meet in rejection; it was evident that he was being raised for a task to which God had for him. His mind suddenly convicted him that “if God’s Kingdom is to prosper, then you and I must step forward to mentor, guide, and set themselves to learn. God allows us to mentor others only for a season, and then we must allow them to graduate into the hands of the great mentor, the Holy Spirit”. His passion was driving him to act and fulfill the divine purpose of his life.

“If God can use a mule to speak (Numbers 22:28), He certainly can select anyone or anything else that will have an impact accomplishing His will; will you be ready to share and care for the vulnerable children next to you who are abused, rejected, disadvantaged and homeless.”
